Welcome to Ninjatown
The complete guide to defending Ninjatown
Saturday 15 November 2008
3.3 - NTSE Plaza
In my opinion, this is one of the hardest levels in the game to get a grade 'A'. My guide below is the most efficient way of getting top marks I have found after two days of testing my defences.

You will use only Business Ninjas, Sniper Ninjas and Anti-Ninjas. I recommend fast-forwarding at the end of a wave to keep your time down, especially for the first 8 more-simple waves.

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Wave 01
As soon as the game starts, build Business Ninja huts on squares 1 and 2 and click the fast forward button. While the demons are heading towards the goal, build Business Ninja huts on squares 3 and 4.

Wave 02
Build a Business Ninja hut on square 5 as soon as funds are available.

Wave 03
Watch your Ninjas kick some ass.

Wave 04
Build a Business Ninja hut on square 6 as soon as funds are available.

Wave 05
Build a Sniper Ninja hut on square 7 as soon as funds are available. Occasionally (when I was testing this strategy it happened perhaps 1 in 5 times) a demon may break through your defences. Use your wind special power if this happens. When the demons have been defeated, build a snipier hut on square 8.

Wave 06
As soon as funds are available, build a sniper hut on square 9. Be ready with your wind special power as a flying demon may sneak through before your sniper on square 9 has been built. When the demons have ben killed, build a sniper hut on square 10.

Wave 07
Build an Anti-Ninja hut on square 11 as soon as you can afford it.

Wave 08
Have a breather, your Ninjas will sort things out. alternatively, start upgrading (see Wave 09).

Wave 09
Upgrade the snipers on squares 7, 8, 9 and 10. At the end of the wave, upgrade the snipers on square 7, 8 and 9 again.

Wave 10
When funds allow, upgrade the sniper on square 10 and upgrade your Anti-Ninja hut on square 11.

Wave 11
It is quite likely you will need to use your wind on this wave, so don't do any building until the end. Upgrade your Anti-Ninja hut on square 11 twice. After both upgrades it should be four-stars.

Wave 12
This is the final wave of flying demons, so you are safe to sell the sniper hut on square 10 at the start of the wave. When the demons have been killed, sell your remaining sniper huts and upgrade your Anti-Ninja hut on square 11. Build Anti-Ninja huts on square 8 and 9.

Wave 13
Upgrade your Anti-Ninja huts on squares 8 and 9. This wave of demons takes a while to kill, so use your magnifying glass if you have enough power, or use wind to keep them close to the Anti-Ninjas. When the demons are killed, upgrade your Anti-Ninja huts on squares 8 and 9 as many times as possible before the next wave starts. One upgrade each should be enough, but it you used your magnifying glass to kill the demons quickly you should be able to manage two upgrades, giving them a total of four-stars each.

Wave 14
Be ready with your wind, just incase. Fully upgrade your Anti-Ninja huts at the end of the wave.

Wave 15
As a precaution, be ready with your magnifying glass or wind, but this wave should be a breeze (ho ho ho - get it?).

NTSE Plaza - complete. Using the guide above you should achieve a grade A, and complete the level in well under 10 minutes. Following the method above I usually only have to use wind once or twice, and the magnifying glass isn't necessary but helps to speed up waves 13 and 15.

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Blogger Vaitork said...
Awesome work! Worked perfectly on the first try. Waiting patiently on your take on other levels.

Blogger Donna said...
Wow, great strategy. I tried before and could only get a B (one made it through) Thanks!