Welcome to Ninjatown
The complete guide to defending Ninjatown
Saturday 13 December 2008
A-Grade Guide Index
1.1 - Sleepy Sprawl
1.2 - Nap Alley
1.3 - Sugar River Junction
1.4 - Commutersville

Business District
3.3 - NTSE Plaza

The Dark Forest
4.3 - Mr. Demon Way
4.4 - Dark Tree Path

Missing levels will be added when I have free time - I'm a busy man. If you have a particular level you can't get an A-Grade on, email me at ninjatowntourguide AT gmail DOT com letting me know which level you need a guide for and I will do my best to prioritise it.

As with all my guides, you should always be prepared to blow some demons back if they slip through your defences. The game doesn't produce the same results every time you play, so if one of my guides doesn't work perfectly the first time, play it again and I am sure it will. Each of my strategies has been put to the test usually 3 or 4 times to verify they work.

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4.4 - Dark Tree Path

Even with a guide, this is a difficult one.  Just warning you this may take a few attempts.  The last few rounds are particularly punishing.  It will help if you have at least one Baby Ninja and at least one Ninja Dropping.

Wave 01
You begin with a Wee Ninja hut on square 1 and a Forest Ninja hut on square 2.  You should sell the other Forest Ninja near the end of the path.  Build Anti-Ninjas on squares 3 and 4, and a Wee Ninja on square 5.  Fast-forward to start the wave.  At the end of the wave upgrade your Anti-Ninjas on squares 3 and 4.

Wave 02
Build an Anti-Ninja on square 6.  At the end of the wave upgrade your Anti-Ninja on square 6.

Wave 03
At the end of the wave upgrade your Anti-Ninja on square 4.

Wave 04
At the end of the wave upgrade your Anti-Ninja on square 3.

Wave 05
At the end of the wave upgrade your Anti-Ninja on square 4.

Wave 06
At the end of the wave upgrade your Anti-Ninja on square 3.

Wave 07
Build a sniper on square 7.  At the end of the wave upgrade your ninjas on squares 2 and 7.

Wave 08
Through the round you should upgrade your ninjas on square 2 twice, and upgrade the ninjas on square 7 twice.

Wave 09
Upgrade your Anti-Ninja on square 3 when it is safe to do so.

Wave 10
At the end of the wave upgrade your Anti-Ninja on square 4.

Wave 11
At the end of the wave upgrade your ninja on square 6 twice.

Wave 12
At the end of the wave upgrade your ninja on square 6.

Wave 13
Upgrade your ninja on square 2, and at the end of the wave upgrade your ninja on square 7.

Wave 14
Build a sniper on square 8, and at the end of the wave upgrade your sniper on square 8 three times.

Wave 15
At the end of the wave upgrade your sniper on square 8.

Wave 16
At the end of the wave sell your Wee Ninjas on squares 1 and 5.

PAUSE THE GAME, RIGHT NOW!  Read the rest of this guide to prepare yourself - there is A LOT to do in these last few rounds, and time is short.

Wave 17
While your Forest Ninjas and Sniper Ninjas deal with the flying demons, build Anti-Ninjas on squares 1 and 5.  Upgrade your ninjas on square 1 four times, and upgrade your ninjas on square 5 three times.  At the end of the wave sell your Forest Ninjas and your Sniper Ninjas from squares 2, 7, and 8.  Upgrade your ninja on square 5 as soon as funds allow.

Waves 18 & 19
At the start of wave 18 build an Anti-Ninja on square 2.  Through the rest of the wave and through wave 19 upgrade your Anti-Ninja on square 2 to its maximum, and build and upgrade three Anti-Ninja huts in any of the remaining squares at the top of the map.  Two of those three huts should end up five-stars, the other will end up 4-stars.  Placing a Baby Ninja near the start of the track when wave 19 begins should give you enough time to build and upgrade these huts if you are quick.

Wave 20
Place a Ninja Dropping near the start of the map as soon as the wave starts.  Use your Wake Up Call special power to give your Anti-Ninjas a much-needed speed boost.  If the Boss Tree starts breeding demons, use your wind to blow the demons as far back up the track as you can so your Anti-Ninjas aren't distracted by them and can concentrate on killing the boss.  If you need to, and you have one spare, place another Ninja Dropping to help weaken the Boss.

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4.3 - Mr. Demon Way

Wave 01
Build Anti-Ninja huts on squares 1 and 2, and snipers on squares 3 and 4. At the end of the wave upgrade your Anti-Ninja on square 1.

Wave 02
At the end of the wave, upgrade your Anti-Ninja on square 2.

Wave 03
At the end of the wave, build a Business Ninja hut on square 5.

Wave 04
At the end of the wave, upgrade your Anti-Ninja on square 2.

Wave 05
You might need wind on this stage to blow any stragglers back towards your ninjas. At the end of the wave, upgrade the Anti-Ninja on square 1.

Wave 06
At the end of the wave, upgrade your snipers on squares 3 and 4.

Wave 07
At the end of the wave, upgrade your snipers on squares 3 and 4.

Wave 08
Again, you might need wind for stragglers here. At the end of the wave upgrade your Anti-Ninja on square 1.

Wave 09
If your ninjas are a bit clumsy on this wave they might let a demon or two through. If so, use your wind to blow them back towards your Anti-Ninjas (your Business Ninjas are not strong enough to hurt them).  At the end of the wave upgrade your Anti-Ninja hut on square 2.

Wave 10
At the end of the wave upgrade your Anti-Ninja huts on squares 1 and 2.

Wave 11
Use your wind if necessary. At the end of the wave upgrade your sniper on square 3.

Wave 12
At the end of the wave you have a lot to do; build a Business Ninja on square 6, sell your snipers on squares 3 and 4, build another Business Ninja on square 4, and build an Anti-Ninja hut on square 7.

Wave 13
Keep upgrading the Anti-Ninja on square 7.

Wave 14
At the end of the wave build an Anti-Ninja on square 3 and upgrade it as much as you can until the next wave begins.

Wave 15
You should be good to relax on this wave. Keep an eye on things though, incase you need Ol' Master Ninja's wind to bail you out of trouble.

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Saturday 22 November 2008
1.4 - Commutersville

Wave 01
Build Wee Ninja huts on squares 1 and 3, and an Anti-Ninja
hut on square 2. Fast-forward to start the demons. At the end of the
wave build Sniper Ninja huts on squares 4 and 5.

Wave 02

Wave 03
At the end of the wave, upgrade your Anti-Ninja hut twice.

Wave 04

Wave 05
Build an Anti-Ninja hut on square 6 whenever you want.

Wave 06
At the end of the wave upgrade both your snipers.

Wave 07

Wave 08
Upgrade your Anti-Ninja hut on square 2 twice, and upgrade your Anti-Ninja hut on square 6 once.

Wave 09
At the end of the wave upgrade your Anti-Ninja hut on square 6.

Wave 10
At the end of the wave upgrade your Anti-Ninja hut on square 6.

Wave 11
At the end of the wave upgrade your Anti-Ninja hut on square 6.  Both of your Anti-Ninja huts should now have 5-stars.

Wave 12
Build an Anti-Ninja hut on square 7 as soon as you can, and keep upgrading it while there are only one or two Super Wee Devils on screen. When the third Super Wee Devil appears, stop upgrading your Anti-Ninja hut on square 7, and be ready with your wind special power just incase you need to slow the Super Wee Devils down.

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1.3 - Sugar River Junction

Wave 01
Build Wee Ninja huts on squares 1 and 2, and an Anti-Ninja hut on square 3. Fast-forward to start the demons. At the end of the wave build a Sniper Ninja hut on square 4.

Wave 02
At the end of the wave build a sniper on square 5.

Wave 03 to 06
You shouldn't need to do anything, just be ready to give your Ninjas a tap if they need to catch a runaway.

Wave 07
At the end of the wave upgrade your Anti-Ninja hut on square 3 and build an Anti-Ninja hut on square 6. If you have time before the next wave begins, upgrade both your sniper huts.

Wave 08
If you didn't manage to upgrade your snipers at the end of wave 7, do it at the end of this wave.

Wave 09
Upgrade your Anti-Ninja hut on square 6.

Wave 10
You should be fine on this wave, but be ready with your special powers just in case.

Wave 11
At the end of the wave, upgrade both your Anti-Ninja huts.

Wave 12
Again, you should be ok but be ready with your specials just in case.

Wave 13
At the end of the wave upgrade both of your snipers.

Wave 14 to 15
Your defences should hold, but get ready with your wind on the off-chance that a demon slips through. You will also have a ton of cookies at this point, so feel free to upgrade your huts at the end of the waves if you need the reassurance.

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1.2 - Nap Alley

As a word of warning, occasionally a demon may slip past your defences.  This happens randomly and is the nature of the game unfortunately.  If your Anti-Ninjas end up in a chase, you may need to give them a tap with your stylus so they can catch the demon.

Wave 01
Build a Wee Ninja hut on square 1, and Anti-Ninja huts on squares 2 and 3.  Fast-forward to start the demons.  At the end of the wave, upgrade your Anti-Ninja on square 2.

Wave 02
At the end of the wave upgrade your Anti-Ninja hut on square 3.

Wave 03
You shouldn't need to do anything, just be ready to give your Ninjas a tap if they need to catch a runaway.

Wave 04
Same as the previous wave.

Wave 05
At the end of the wave, upgrade both your Anti-Ninja huts.

Wave 06
You will need to use your wind special power half way through the wave to blow the big demons back towards your ninjas.  At the end of the wave upgrade your Anti-Ninja hut on square 2.

Wave 07
At the end of the wave upgrade your Anti-Ninja hut on square 3.

Wave 08
At the end of the wave upgrade your Anti-Ninja hut on square 2.  This hut should now have 5-stars.

Wave 09
Be ready to use your wind special power when necessary.

Wave 10
Be ready with your wind again, and upgrade your Anti-Ninja hut on square 3 at the end of the wave.

Wave 11
Watch your Anti-Ninjas bring home the victory.

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1.1 - Sleepy Sprawl

Wave 01
As part of the tutorial, you will build a Wee Ninja hut on square 1, and upgrade that hut. When you fully take control of the game, you should build a Wee Ninja hut on square 2. Fast-forward to start the demons coming.

Wave 02
At the end of the wave build an Anti-Ninja hut on square 3.

Wave 03
Do nothing, you should be fine.

Wave 04
At the end of the wave build a Wee Ninja on square 4, and an Anti-Ninja on square 5.

Wave 05
Relax while your ninjas take care of business.

Wave 06
At the end of the wave upgrade both of your Anti-Ninja huts.

Wave 07

Wave 08
Do nothing. Watch your Ninjas do their thing.

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